♡ About ♡

Welcome to our blog!

First of all we want to thank you for taking the time to read this page! We created this blog to post our favorite things from Second Life. It will be our pleasure to review your items  =) If you still have any questions - please do not hesitate to contact us.Wanna to us blog something from your store? You can contact us in world, flickr or e-mail sending us a note with the landmark of the store and the items you are sending. We are blogging frees, hunts, offers, gachas and new releases. And we send notices about frees and offers in our group that is growing  everyday . 

Thank you in advance for your interest.

Apelsinowaya Resident  &  CEKC Rexie

Name :               API

           ( Apelsinowaya  Resident)

Age :  Started SL around 3 years ago but the Apelsinowaya Resident  is only about 8 month old.

Often found doing :  Listening to music, Sorting inventory (its a mess at best of times), Chatting and hanging  with friends, Blogging, Takeing Photos, Editing Photos, Exploring

Name :                REX

             (  CEKC  Rexie )

Age :  Started SL around 5 years ago but play CEKC Rexie  is only about 2 years old.

Often found doing : I love to fly through the beautiful Sims, search and discover for yourself something new, like to photograph and edit photos, i like speak with my friends. But sometimes you want to be the one to get away from all sim cozy to sit and watch the waves as they wash ashore like to open and search to discover new images.

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